- Countries
Beyond our business model, which we believe is inherently stable, our approach to sustainability, “Better Connections, Better Opportunities”, underpins how we do business as we strive to act in an innovative, ethical, responsible, independent, and transparent way. Our four pillars - Education & Economic Growth, Environment & Climate Change, Our People & Communities, and Ethics & Governance - seek to provide a framework for our sustainability strategy and associated partnerships. We assess local requirements each year to identify projects and partnerships that both align with these pillars and target local community needs.
We review our Group sustainability strategy annually, and our local teams assess regional community needs to help inform the sustainability programs in their respective countries. These are assessed by in-country management teams and relevant stakeholders as appropriate, ahead of Group-level review. The IHS Towers Executive Management Committee receives quarterly reports on these programs and initiatives, and the Board is also updated regularly.
As our organization continues to grow, particularly given the rapidly developing regions in which we operate, it is imperative that we strive for the highest standards of corporate governance, professionalism and transparency. To increase the transparency and scrutiny we apply to our reporting practices, we appoint an external auditor to assess and provide limited assurance engagement under the ISAE 3000 Standard on the sustainability KPIs put forward. These are incorporated into our annual Sustainability Report.
To improve the completeness and accuracy of our sustainability disclosure, we regularly report to the Executive Management Committee on our sustainability KPIs.
We continue to enhance our sustainability metrics and are working towards reporting in line with the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative). We believe this will further evolve our sustainability strategy and create closer alignment with the UN SDGs.